IT Insecurity: It’s Not the Technology

IT insecurity

Despite all the dazzling technology being used to create information and then defend it, today’s best view of the IT insecurity problem can be found by looking in the mirror.


The 10 Commandments of Customer Experience

Customer Experience

When thinking about the customer experience (CX), there are at least 10 commandments that must be adhered to as you embark on your CX journey. These are essentials to ensure a successful CX transformation. Here’s what I’ve come up with, in no particular order.


Improve Customer Service

Advances in technology and pressure to cut costs have changed the customer service experience. Companies now push far more function and responsibility to the customer. Here are three ways to support and involve your customers in this new paradigm:


Be Smarter at Cost Cutting

Smarter Cost Cutting

Almost all companies have or will need to cut costs to survive in the current environment. Unfortunately, not all do cost cutting smartly. Consider these three pieces of advice before making cuts:


Debunking the myths – ISO 9001

ISO 9001 - Quality Management

ISO 9001 is a standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system. It helps businesses and organizations be more efficient and improve customer satisfaction.


Don’t Avoid Risk

Risk Management

Risk Management departments are springing up in many companies. They Categorize and analyze risk to the company before it happens, and in most cases, they create systems and processes to prevent risks.


Dare to dream big: three innovators change the world with standards

ISO Standards

Three Inspiring Innovators tell the story of how International Standards helped them reach new heights in their search for technologies that could transform the world we know today.


Here is how Dubai residents can cut electricity bills by 90%

Reduce your Light Bills

Savings can come up to Dh984 per year. Residents will soon be able to cut their energy bills by 90 per cent as Dubai Lamp will be released in markets by end of this month, Dubai Municipality officials said on Monday.


XPRESS exposé: Well-oiled racket involving sale of ISO certificates uncovered

ISO Certification

Like millions around the world, if it’s an ISO certificate that makes you pick a product or service, then wait till we tell you about its dark side.


Beyond Tried and True

risk management

In today’s world, a significant part of organizational value is created through globally diverse suppliers. Risk management is therefore an increasingly important aspect of executive-level decision making. Conducting a successful supplier audit using lean tools can be a way to identify, assess and mitigate organizational risk.


Insight into ISO 45001

OHSMS ISO standard

The Latest DRAFT of the international Organization for standardization’s (ISO) new occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) standard was released for public comment on Feb. 12, 2016. The original intent in developing ISO 45001 was to replace the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001 standard with an ISO standard.


Deming’s management method can help you increase employee engagement

Quality Management

W. Edwards Deming’s 14 points and system of profound knowledge can help organizations overcome the management practices causing this disengagement, and provide a method to support a culture of employee engagement.


Why Every Small Business Needs a Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan

As a digitally active business in 2016, you can’t afford to lose your data. Whether at the hands of a natural disaster, human error, or cyber attack, data loss is costly and extremely risky. That’s why you need a backup and disaster recovery solution.
